Return & Refund


We accept order cancellations before the product is shipped or produced. If the order is canceled, you will get a full refund. We cannot cancel the order if the product has been already shipped out.

If you want to cancel the order, please contact us at first, and write the subject of the email: {YOUR ORDER NUMBER} Cancel Order

Returns (if applicable)

Caissa Toy offers a 30-days money-back guarantee for goods purchased directly from, which is only applied to defective products. We don't do returns or refunds for good-condition products.

Once there is a product issue, please take one video or photo for us to check out more details so that we can reship the new one or just refund you in the 3-Month warranty period.

Once the package is lost or you never received the package when it's shown delivered status, please contact us for reship.

Refunds (if applicable)

Once there is a lost package or product quality, we will notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or PayPal, within 15 days.

Late or missing refunds (if applicable)

If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.

Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted. Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted. If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund, please contact us at

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at